The Bonded Soul Mates in My Book - Lucien and Amelia:
"Lucien and Amelia are bonded
Soul Mates. Whether these two souls are incarnate at the same time or not, they can feel each other's energy throughout
the Universe. This is the kind of connection their soul's share. This is why you can still feel Lucien's energy,
although he is in the physical world as "Mr. X." in this time.
Sometimes these Soul Mates
are never consciously aware that they are bonded Soul Mates. We cannot determine this relationship by physical
attributes or lifestyle - remember, we come time and again under different life circumstances. As long as the lessons are
accomplished the purpose of their union has been served; Unconditional Love, Love that is not bound
by the rules and regulations of the physical world is always at the forefront of their union..."
Understand, those Souls who we have
spent several lifetimes with and have had positive relationships with is what Maggie
is referring to by feeling a certain 'affinity' towards them. We have a bond with them - as She stated, our energies resonate
at the same vibration, creating that "twin-soul" feeling.
Sometimes our Bonded Soul Mate
comes once we have already Enlightened and can understand the purpose of the union without expecting the fairy-tale fantasies. We
understand true Unconditional Love and serve as an example to the world, behaving in the same Loving Light that
God shows us.
Other times our Bonded Soul
Mate comes to teach us about Unconditional Love of self and others and how to put Love in a proper perspective - to teach
us that Love should NOT be possessive, insecure, jealous, or 'clingy', that we should never
try to 'own' another person or inflict behaviors on them to serve our own selfish needs.
Through these relationships which take
lifetimes of trial and error, we learn to express ourselves to one another as children of
God, and how to give respect, freedom, encouragement in life and towards Enlightenment. To give our Unconditional Love to
our Soul Mates as we all work our way Home to God.
"True Love is self-less and unbridled"... Maggie
"Very close friends from past lives, who are in a position to do so, often communicate with you when
you are in the dream state, and the relationships are continued though you do not realize it consciously."
The Privileged Lovers
"The moon has become a dancer
at this festival of
This dance of light,
This sacred blessing,
This divine love,
beckons us
to a world beyond
lovers can see
with their eyes of fiery passion.
They are the chosen ones
who have surrendered.
Once they
were particles of light
now they are the radiant sun.
They have left behind
the world of deceitful games.
are the privileged lovers
who create a new world
with their eyes of fiery passion."
~ Rumi ~