During my experiences while lying completely
still, I lost feeling in my body. Keep in mind that while in this state of consciousness there is no sense of time;
your mind is not restricted by the physical world at this point.
I found myself with "Mr. X" (the place where his
body was at the time of this experience). Maggie was there with me:
I could hear, see, feel, smell, etc. just
like I can in my conscious state, but not with the physical body, however my connection to other dimensions were stronger
than my physical senses. I felt no earth-bound connection.
I could smell his shampoo, hear a fan (AC?) come
on in the room, feel warmth from his body (I touched his back with my 'hand' ), hear him breathing,
see the room, etc.
After what seemed like minutes, Maggie
said, "It's time to go", and everything went black for a second until I leapt hard back
into my physical body.
Let me say this, there was NO
silver cord connecting me to my spirit-self during this experience. I did not see one the first time and have never seen one
While I'm in this state of superconsciousness,
I receive messages and have actually woken up saying, "uh huh", as if I'm agreeing with what I'm being told. The information
is "infused", I don't have to think about it, I absorb it.
Then at a later time, the situation I was informed
about happens and I know how to procede! I realize this is not just happening to me, we all have this guidance...this is the
bi-product of the mind teetering between our world and Home.
"During sleep, some people are able to experience astral soul travel, travels
to other places within your world or travels to other dimensions. Oftentimes your soul will stay within your body and you
will communicate with others from other dimensions, or you will interact with other souls upon the earth that you have a deep
connection with...: Afterlife 101